Claudia black

Claudia Claudia 2 Teryl Teryl 2 HowHer role as an hermaphrodite as a guest character in 1998's appearance in the wacky crime-drama Good Guys Bad Guys also caught her attention. When she was filming her part in the role of a traveler trapped on an alien world on the show "Pitch black" (2000), the actor was expected to to read the auditions of actors for a new sci-fi series that was to be made in Australia. Though the show's creators planned to use an American actor however, the casting agency believed that she was the perfect choice to play the part. Black made a video of a demonstration then was later requested to Sydney for a casting audition. Black was offered the role as Aeryn in the show "Farscape." She beautifully portrayed her character's toughness and strength and also developed a intimate sexual relationship with her co-star Ben Browder (as human astronaut John Crichton). Aeryn became an increasingly interesting and watchable character. Black gained legions fans. Black continued her voiceover work on TV, in movies, and video games after the show ended. After a regular role on "The Originals" , Black returned to serial television for the thriller "Containment" An exotic looking brunette, capable of displaying both force and an edgy appearance, Australian actress Claudia Black has gained fame for her co-starring role as Aeryn Sun who is a commando pilot, trained to keep her emotions in check, in "Farscape" (Sci-Fi Channel, 1999-2003). The Sydney-born performer was a finalist in the"Containment" Globe Shakespeare competition and toured Europe as Portia on the stage in "The Merchant of Venice."


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